Monday, April 5, 2010

The Tony Ortega Program or Panzer Dragoon Tony

Damn, I just realized that I'm running short of titles to pardiy. There are tons of works out there that have way too similar titles. Such as, just the name of the protagonist or antagonist. So soon, I might have to rehash the titles. The fact that I don't have a middle name makes it that much harder. So well, this opening will be short.

Now how many people truly know that they are looking into the world with rose tinted glasses? Very few people. The majority of people go day to day, pretending the world is a good as they think. They might have one aspect of their life great, but the rest is shit. Manga writer Koji Kumeta covered this phenomena in Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei: The Power of Negative Thinking, Volume 5, Chapter 45 entitled "Weighing In."

The auorthor is known for heavily satirizing socitiey, and this chapter is no different. At first the manga's teacher Itoshiki measures his student's "Minotake Measurement" (lit. (one's) limit or capacity measurement) by how much they are willing to let him barrow. But Chiri, who much have everything exact, thinks her class is worthless, so demands everyone to live the bare minimum.

This concept is a perfectly consistant in the real world. A good example of this, is people who might have a super tricked out car, but are still living in their parent's house. Other people who live in a giant house, but are driving a Geo Metro (or anyone who drives a Geo Metro). People who live totally lopsided lives are guilty of living outside their Minotake Measurement. People like this should really look at their life and reconsider the fact that they are all absolutely idiotic.

Last, here are some vocaloids, because you miss them.

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